Friday, May 9, 2008

What is Frugal Living?

I'm often amazed at what passes for being frugal these days. So much so, that I decided to start a blog about what is, and is not frugal! Frugal people were the first "Go Green" people. Oh, we may not have known that we were being Green, but we knew we were making do with what we had and saving money at it.

Here are just a few things to describe what frugal is:

  • Frugal is recycling your aluminum cans
  • Frugal is buying in bulk and putting up the surplus
  • Frugal is walking to the market two blocks away rather than driving
  • Frugal is buying smart, like at Garage sales and clearance sales

Now that you have an idea of what being frugal is, here is what frugal is not

  • Frugal is not stopping at the burger joint and spending $20 to feed 3 people just because you had a 50 cent coupon
  • Frugal is not hording all your aluminum foil pie pans to be used as protective hats when "THEY" come to get you.
  • Frugal is not about being cheap.
  • Frugal is not buying dry dog food in bulk and making your meals from it (that's called STUPID, unless you like the taste of dry dog food in the mornings)

For far too long, when people said "Oh he's frugal" it usually meant that they were cheap. And when people said "Oh so and so is cheap", most of the time they meant he or she was being frugal.

Chances our that your grandparents, just like mine, were frugal because they didn't have a lot of disposable income. Hell, they were lucky if they had any income!

So, now you should have an idea of what being frugal is and what it is not. Come follow along as I share with you some of my best frugal tips and frugal recipes. If you have something to share, by all means post a comment and share with the rest of us!